Due to their disabilities, students with IEPs disproportionately exhibit maladaptive behavior. Dealing with these behavior issues is a delicate matter. This has led to conflict between teachers and administrators, whereby teachers want to exclude disruptive students from their classrooms and administrators feel the need to return the student to his or her class. This conflict produced P.A. 18-89, a bill passed at the end of the last session that was vetoed by Governor Malloy. SEEK opposed this legislation and has attempted to provide input to the task force working on a compromise proposal. SEEK-CT seeks a provision ensuring that any child who is so disruptive that the teacher seeks to eject him/her from the classroom more than once in a year is referred to a PPT for evaluation for special education. Further, the IDEA provisions on continuation of services need to guide the treatment of any disruptive child.
SEEK of CT is a social welfare organization, organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations to 501(c)(4) organizations are not tax-deductible for the individual or corporation making the donation. 501(c)(4) organizations are required to disclose certain information publicly, although we are not required to disclose the name and address of any contributor to the organization. Under this statute, we are permitted to lobby extensively and to participate in political activity in support of or opposition to candidates for office, as long as such election activities are not our primary activity