We SEEK Change Where We Find Injustice
We SEEK Change Where We Find Injustice
Special education is a civil right. With the united voices of parents, professionals and advocates, we strive to play an essential role in identifying injustice in special education and setting the course right. We're in this to fix what's not working and secure solutions for inequities in special education.
Through SEEK conferences, we will provide educational opportunities to understand your special education rights and other special education matters.
Through our advocacy and lobbying efforts, we will even the playing field in representing students with disabilities with the goal of providing equality through legislative change in special education.
SEEK can't do it without you! We rely on parents, education professionals, and advocates for children with disabilities. We SEEK your voice and participation.
SEEK's mission is to secure an excellent education as a basic civil and human right for students with disabilities in Connecticut.
Our Vision: Every Connecticut student with a disability has the right to an excellent education. SEEK exists to protect that right through systemic advocacy.
There are a number of groups in the state of Connecticut that lobby on behalf of children who have disabilities, but none represent parents of children who have disabilities. That’s why we created SEEK. Special Education Equity for Kids of Connecticut plays an essential role in influencing policies and legislative efforts on behalf of students with disabilities. SEEK will also offer parents advocacy tools essential for securing appropriate special education services.
SEEK is nothing without your voice! It's simple, our strength is in our parent numbers!
SEEK lobbies at the Capitol to improve special education on behalf of Connecticut's 80,000 special education students, including your child.
You can count on SEEK to represent and protect your child's special education rights every legislation session and throughout the year by working with Connecticut's special education key stakeholders.
SEEK is a non-member organization. When you sign up, you will receive notifications on important special education matters. Additionally, you'll be adding your voice to our base of parents and professional who supports our mission.
To receive your socks, please email Naomi@SEEKCT.com with your name and mailing address.
SEEK of CT is a social welfare organization, organized under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations to 501(c)(4) organizations are not tax-deductible for the individual or corporation making the donation. 501(c)(4) organizations are required to disclose certain information publicly, although we are not required to disclose the name and address of any contributor to the organization. Under this statute, we are permitted to lobby extensively and to participate in political activity in support of or opposition to candidates for office, as long as such election activities are not our primary activity